Monday 14 April 2014


Libertàgià is a Italian Technology company with Brazilians capital who invested one Million Euros in Portugal, Installing there headquarteres in Lisbon on October 2013 with there experienced Ceo Rui Salvador specialist in the MLM industry to provide technology services like live in the box and provide multi level earnings for there promotores.

News of the Brazilian Investment in Portugal of Libertàgià to confirm legitimacy of thisBusinessWelcome To Libertagia, libertagia is a legit company with its main office in Lisbon, Portugal – next to headquarters ofMicrosoft. In the next couple of months more offices will open around the world. The already confirmed locations are Malaysia and Italy.
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"Rui Salvador"  is the CEO of the company and its founder. There is no ghost office and there aren’t unknown leaders. You can actually call them by phone or visit their head office. As an innovative company, what they offer is a revolutionary tool called Live in Box, which is based on social networking and functionalities (all your email accounts, Libertagia´s own social network, in addition to all your social networks -Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter,Skype, etc- mixed together, live TV channels, free blog creation,i-cloud storage…). Live in Box is free for all members. They are developing new products to be sold to people who are interested in them, such as huge cloud storage, traffic for your website or business, etc. If you are not good at selling products don’t worry, you can take it as an opportunity to start your own business and to create a solid network. Libertagia doesn’t want to exclude anyone from joining them, and you can actually start working as a free member.
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