Q.1 What is Libertagia ?
* Libertagia is a World Wide Bank Launched On Oct-12 2013.
* Libertagia Vision is in Entire World Each Every Person Should be the member in their bank.
* That's why Libertagia Chooses the Network Marketing Tool.
Q.2 How does a Libertagia site work?
A Libertagia site will get money by advertising other websites in it. And the Libertagia site will give 0.3$ per Advertisements to its members if they view the advertisement based on their Membership. To understand this clearly, suppose Mr. B created a website and he wants others to know about his site and to visit it. He approaches a Libertagia site to advertise his website for some money. Now the Libertagia site will show a link of Mr. B’s website in it. A member of Libertagia site can click this advertisement. Upon viewing the advertisement the member will get a 0.3$ amount of money for each advertisement.
Q.3 What kind of job they give?
* Job is simple. They will give you some site address, you have to click and watch it for 60Sec .
* After that they will send you money in to your Libertagia account for every advertisement 0.3$.
Q.4 How much money I will get by clicking an advertisement?
* Libertagia give 0.3$ for an advertisement.
* You can click a certain number of ads according to your membership category.
* You can click these ads once in 24 hours.
* Monday- Friday ( We Will Get Daily 10 Ads With Free Membership)
* With Free Membership You Can Earn Daily 3$.
* Monthly You Can Earn 60$ With Free Membership.
Q.5 How Much We Should Invest to start My Libertagia Program?
* Libertagia Offers a Free Membership to every one. i.e... Bronze Membership.
* So, You Can Start Our Libertagia Without Investment.
Q.6 Can I earn hundreds of dollar in two weeks ?
* Yes, It is possible Only With Libertagia.
* You Should Refer To Earn More & More...
Q.7 Can You List out the Products in Libertagia ?
* Yes, There Are World Class Products were there in Libertagia. They are 4-Types Of Products
Q.8 Can I have more than one account in a Libertagia site?
According to Anti-Pyramid Law you can have only one account in a Libertagia site. Creating more than one account may lead to your account termination.
Q.9 I Clicked the Advertisement but it shows “You can only visit one site at a time” and “You must click the correct button after the timer runs out” What is the meaning of this?
Libertagia site will show you some ads. After clicking one ad you need to wait for some time to credit the amount. Usually the site will show a countdown timer or progress bar on top, which means you need to wait that much time. Within that time you cannot click on other ads. That is what they meant by “You can only visit one site at a time”. After the countdown timer reaches zero you need to Click on "Save Complete Tasks" Otherwise your click will not be validated.
Q.10 What is referral and referral earning?
You can refer people to Libertagia site using your referral link. When the person you referred clicks on some ads in PTC site, you will get a 1% of money , 1% of Monthly Activation upto 6 Levels... Suppose think You Refered 10 Members in your 1st Level. those 10 members refer 10 members each in the next level i.e 100/- those earnings will also calculated for us like tha up to 6-Levels We Will Get Paid For Our Referrals-Referaals Work Also it is known to be Referrall Earnings.
Q.11 What is mean by minimum Cashout?
* Minimum Cashout is the amount of money that you need to accumulate in your account to request for a payment.
* Any amount less than this cannot be transferred to your Gia-Pay Account.
* The Minimum Payout is 300$ .
Q.12 Will they deduct any money for the transaction?
* Yes Libertagia Charges Transaction Fee i.e 1.5% transferable through Gia-Pay Card.
Q.13 Is there any way to get the money into my bank account?
* Yes You Can Transfer Amount directly to your local bank account but here the transaction charges will be 2.5% .
* For this you need to keep the withdraw request when your payout reaches to 300$ and above.
How can I get Gia-Pay online bank account?
* In-Order to get Gia-Pay Account it costs 30$.
* For Applying This Card you need to be Upgrade Membership from Bronze to Booster it starts from 399$.